Sometimes, life seems too dark to navigate through. Yet, in the midst of that darkness is Light. I am a child of God who loves her children and desires to be found faithful. I am not sure where this path goes, but I am trusting the One who can see where it ends. This is a reflection of that journey.

Friday, October 12, 2012
I Love Friday!
Today was a rare day. We actually were able to spend the day together as a family. I was bummed that we couldn't go pick apples, but we got to go to the farmer's market. It was pretty nice with the exception of the guy trying to get us to sign a petition that supports re opening the medical marajuana dispenseries. We also just hung out all night which was great! I am excited because tomorrow we get to do it again! For the first time in forever we actually were all home together! I am so blessed to have an amazing, funny, caring and loving family and I love spending time with them! Now, to sleep! Good night!
Wednesday, October 3, 2012
Feed on His Faithfulness
I have been trying to figure out all day how to put into words the things I experienced this week. I tried to post monday, but I just couldn't find the words to say, so I went to the gym instead. Yesterday I tried again but found that it was easier to grab my guitar and worship. So, here I am tonight trying to convey to you what the Lord did this week. I was blessed to attend my 10th Pastor's Wives conference for the past few days. I was glad to go, but I was torn because Sammy has been gone so much lately. I knew it would be what was best for me, and was prepared for whatever it was God had for me. I was not aware that I also needed to include the weather in my prayers, but I was surprisingly ok with the 106 weather. It was great to see ladies that I haven't seen in awhile and catch up on life. I was blessed beyond blessed at all of the love and attention we received from the staff and Pastor's wives that plan the event. It is so great to go to a place where they treat you like you are the most important person there. The theme was 'Feed on His Faithfulness' and we camped in Psalm 37. There were so many good things spoken, I don't even know where to begin. My favorite verse happens to fall in that chapter, which was nice, but I found a love for the verses surrounding it as well. I was especially impacted by verses 30-31."The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. The law of his God is in his heart;his steps do not slip." (ESV) I was exhorted by this. I was reminded that, if I claim to be righteous than my mouth should speak words of wisdom. If I am to make an impact for the Lord in any way, then I must be willing to stand up for justice and pursue righteousness no matter what the cost. Am I really willing to sacrifice my right to do__________ so I can be an example to others? And how about The law of God? Do I hide it in my heart? Am I truly feasting on His word and applying it in all things? If so, then my steps will not slip. I often feel like I am sliding down a slope with nothing to grab onto, yet this promise tells me that is not so. If I am righteous- which as a believer I am- and I am meditating on His word so I can live it out, then I am safe. Even when I feel like I am flying down the hill with arms flailing, I am safe. He is with me. He is in charge of me. One speaker said this,"We often can appreciate the God of the past. We see evidence of His faithfulness and we are assured. We also can see the God of the future. We know His promise of heaven and the hope of His return. Yet we fail to look for the God of the present. We forget that He is here with us. He is a God we can hide in." I was so encouraged by that last phrase. He is a God we can hide in. By hiding His word in our heart, we reap so many wonderful benefits. I can rattle off all the verses that tell you about the benefits, but the main benefit is that when we scour the scripture to glean the treasure of God's word and feed on His faithfulness we are also hiding in Him. John 1:1 tells us the " Word was God". Not only can we see who God is by tucking those words away, we also begin to know Him better. We become more intimate with Him. We look for times to be alone with Him. We cry out to Him when we are weak and rejoice with Him when He is strong. I spent a lot of my free time playing my guitar and singing to Him. We spent so much time learning of Him and learning from Him that my heart just wanted to be with Him! I have been clinging to Him during this season of change and heartache and I am so blessed to see His healing has begun. He is so amazing and His ways are wayyyy beyond my understanding, yet I can look back at this past few months and say with assurance that my God is faithful. I left with a sense of awe. I am still trying to process the things He spoke to me and the way He comforted me and challenged me. I know I am so very far from the finished work He is creating, but I am so glad He is using this season to draw me into His heart and hide me there so I am safe!
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