

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Say what?

Have you ever felt as if you are out of control? Have you looked back at the things you've accomplished and asked yourself why? This is me. I have looked at the things I put my life to and realized I was way off. I am so sorry for you that expected the pastor's wife to have it all together. Actually, that couldn't be further from the truth. I have been reading the Word and focusing on how God can work in me, and I am humbled. I thought I was doing ok, but in the light of His word I fall short. I am often more like Martha. If God has a job for me, I am There! It is the slowing down that gets me. In this season of change, God is asking me to slow down and trust Him. He is calling me to find my refuge in Him. He is asking me to place my life in His hands because He is faithful. He can fulfill the longing. Do you know this? Do you realize that we are children of our amazing Creator? He loves you and me. His thoughts are towards you and me. His heart is for His children. He brings us to a place where we can see His beauty through our trials. Trust Him. Believe His promises. Trust Him to carry your burden. He is faithful. Are you troubled? Are you weary? Are you weighted down by the cares of this world. If that is you, then hear this. He IS faithful.

" Commit your way to The Lord. Trust in Him, and He will act." Ps 37:5

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