

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year!

GOOD BYE 2014!!!

      Time seems to pass so much faster! Last year was eventful, and I am glad to have it behind me. This New Year's Eve was quite different! New friends, new places, new experiences! Tonight we embraced Hungarian culture and ate hot dogs, played fun games, enjoyed chocolate Euros, and set off real fireworks. It was a great night! I realize that we were way too close to the fireworks we set off! I cannot believe they make the fuse so short! Needless to say, the last one began to shoot at us! It was strange to see what would normally be a firework in the sky right next to us! We all screamed and ran, then realized we were standing in snow...
      New Years often give us an opportunity to better ourselves. I feel like this year is going to be tougher for my family, but I am excited to see what God does in our life.       I am confident that He is going to be faithful. I am grateful. Even when I cannot understand or feel lost. Especially when I am surrounded by His blessings and reminded of who I am in Him.

      2015 will be a year of change for so many. Make the most of what God is calling you to do. My New Year's resolution: Love those that matter most. I have spent many a year giving away to those around me and forgetting the people that matter most. I will spend this year continuing to build up my family. I will continue to reach out to those I love and remind them of God's love for them. I will step out in faith, and watch as The Lord meets me. I will live life as if it matters. I will (at least for the next 5 months) slow down and appreciate all the things I have. The people I am surrounded by. Goodbyes are coming soon enough- for now I will sit and enjoy the fullness of this New Year!

A still shot of our firework show!

Games with friends

Happy New Year!

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