

Saturday, November 22, 2014


"I need God to consume me more than my life currently does"

How true this statement is! Are we consumed by Him? By His desire and will? How often do we look at ourselves and our life and forget that He is still God. When life and it's voices consume our being, we are missing out. I think of the scene from the Incredibles where the kid is on the bike and Mr. Incredible looks at him (in the midst of his frustration) and asks "kid, what are you waiting for?" To which the kid responds "something amazing!" Am I that kid? Or am I so frustrated in my life that I forget the fact God is working in and through me and others are watching to see just what God can do? Lord, make us usable! Make the drama that we call life consume us less and the glory of God consume us more! "Oh praise the ONE who paid my debt and raised this life up from the dead!"

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