Sometimes, life seems too dark to navigate through. Yet, in the midst of that darkness is Light. I am a child of God who loves her children and desires to be found faithful. I am not sure where this path goes, but I am trusting the One who can see where it ends. This is a reflection of that journey.

Thursday, July 31, 2014
Some days, you just need a good cry. Not a little cry. A big, deep cry. One that shakes you and continues on for some time. Tonight was mine, because really- I have lots of justifiable reasons in my life to do so! 😊 It started as a sad, woe is me cry and turned a corner real quick! I have been battling with some counsel I received. It wasn't the counsel that was hard, it was the application. When I received the counsel, I wanted to scream "I KNOW all of those things! I read my bible! PLEASE tell me how to apply them!" But, I didn't. I quietly listened and took notes, because that is who I am. It has been hanging over me all week, though. And tonight, I felt like I couldn't take it any more. I couldn't do it anymore. All the expectations for perfection I burdened myself with. All the doubt I allowed to rule my actions. My inability to allow anyone in or my ability to take blame for everything and feel like it is all my fault. I can't function in my pride anymore. I need grace. I need it so much. My problem? I don't know how to receive it. How do you even go about allowing grace to reign in your life? I have no trouble handing it out, but I don't know how to receive it. How to live in it. How do you make mistakes and allow God's grace to wash them away? How does one rid themselves of guilt? Their guilt? Others guilt? I have no idea how to apply grace in my own life! How sad God must be! He loves me so much and I have no idea how to receive it. How to live in it. I feel like a slug and grace is salt. I should feel free. I should be able to rest. Lord, help me! I need You to show me! I want to receive Your grace and I want to function in it. I want to know and experience the freedom grace brings! You do not desire that this burden of guilt be placed upon me. You paid it all. I know all of this! I know You are faithful. I know You love me. I know Your word says Your mercies are new every morning. Please, please, please Lord! Help me to feel it. Give me faith to function in Your grace. I am so tired of being strong. I am so tired of trying to live this life in my own power and under my own bondage and authority. Please Lord. Help me to know Your grace on my life. Restore the peace that once ruled and reigned in my life. Thank You that You hold my tears. Thank You that Your arms are wrapped around me as I cry. Thank You that You are my Daddy, and You love me so much. Help me to believe that love.
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Thing You Should Never Do
Things you should never do: Google sad things!
Last night, I learned that you should never research something on the internet unless you want extreme answers! My question? Will my dog forget me after living somewhere else for a year?
I was not ready for the wealth of sadness that would pop up in my search engine! There were people who told Homeward Bound stories and those who talked of doggie depression. The end result was tears streaming down my face as parents in the gymnastics viewing room stared in wonder. I read some stories about dumb dogs (they were obvious cat people) who did not really care where they lives as long as they were fed and walked. Then, there were the terribly sad stories about dogs who ran away in search of their owners. Or the dogs who looked for their owners everywhere they went. The saddest? The dog who died because they refused to live. This dog was "very in tune to their owners and intuitive"... GREAT! Of course my dog falls into this category! On came the tears. (And the parents that basically think I have gone nuts based on all the life realizations that hit me in that small room) Then came Leah. I quickly closed my browser. The last thing I needed was for her to see that story! I thought she was the one who would struggle with leaving the dog. I did not see myself falling in love with an animal! When Sammy promised the kids a dog, I was super leery! I was not an animal person. I had dog horror stories and wasn't super excited about it. Yet, Coco melted my heart. She started out in the sunroom and within the month she was part of our family. She hugs, holds my hand, knows when I am sad, doesn't leave my side when I am sick, and always wants to be near me. She loves walking with me and running is her favorite! She loves us so much that she uses everything within her to fight her instincts and obey. Oh how I will miss her! My heart will have a hole in it. But- it is only a year. I hope she will eat, enjoy her new family, not be depressed, and NEVER conspire with cats and old dogs to come and find us!
Last night, I learned that you should never research something on the internet unless you want extreme answers! My question? Will my dog forget me after living somewhere else for a year?
I was not ready for the wealth of sadness that would pop up in my search engine! There were people who told Homeward Bound stories and those who talked of doggie depression. The end result was tears streaming down my face as parents in the gymnastics viewing room stared in wonder. I read some stories about dumb dogs (they were obvious cat people) who did not really care where they lives as long as they were fed and walked. Then, there were the terribly sad stories about dogs who ran away in search of their owners. Or the dogs who looked for their owners everywhere they went. The saddest? The dog who died because they refused to live. This dog was "very in tune to their owners and intuitive"... GREAT! Of course my dog falls into this category! On came the tears. (And the parents that basically think I have gone nuts based on all the life realizations that hit me in that small room) Then came Leah. I quickly closed my browser. The last thing I needed was for her to see that story! I thought she was the one who would struggle with leaving the dog. I did not see myself falling in love with an animal! When Sammy promised the kids a dog, I was super leery! I was not an animal person. I had dog horror stories and wasn't super excited about it. Yet, Coco melted my heart. She started out in the sunroom and within the month she was part of our family. She hugs, holds my hand, knows when I am sad, doesn't leave my side when I am sick, and always wants to be near me. She loves walking with me and running is her favorite! She loves us so much that she uses everything within her to fight her instincts and obey. Oh how I will miss her! My heart will have a hole in it. But- it is only a year. I hope she will eat, enjoy her new family, not be depressed, and NEVER conspire with cats and old dogs to come and find us!
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Oh to be like You!
Adversity: a state, condition, or instance of serious or continued difficulty or adverse fortune
Difficulty: the quality of something that makes it hard to do
something that is not easy to do or to deal with ie: a difficult situation
Vulnerability: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
open to attack or damage
I don't like any of these words!!! But, this is where I am at. I feel the first two heavily inside of me but the last is supposed to be the one I choose. Who in the world wants to be emotionally or physically wounded, attacked, or damaged BY CHOICE?!?
Oh yeah- Jesus. The one in whom my identity is to be found in. Oh, Lord, HELP ME! Help me to be who you see in me. I cannot do it on my own or in my own strength. Today was overwhelming and I feel as if I cannot go on any longer! I make progress and realize that You are working in my heart and then BAM! More pain. I don't know how to sort through all the turmoil that has built up inside of me. I know You are asking me to do hard things and working the characteristics that do not reflect You out of my life. It just hurts so much. I had no idea how much it would hurt when I agreed to allow You all of my heart. Thank You that Your word tells us in Ps 34:18 that You are near to the brokenhearted and the crushed in spirit. That is how I feel. I realize that there is so much work to do. The closer I draw to You, the more I see how grieved You are with the state of my heart. How You desire for me to live in peace and rest, with full trust in You. That You want all of me. That You love me so much more than I can ever feel or even imagine. Help me to remember that You are the one who is doing the pruning in my life. You are skilled at what You do, and You do it in love. Forgive my unbelief. Forgive my stubborn will. Give me strength to do the hard things and accept what I don't understand. Help me to look to You when my insides feel like they have no hope! Continue to be the foundation I rest on. Thank You, Lord for the hope I have in You. I don't know how to be vulnerable, but You can change my heart and make it trusting. Help me to trust You and what You are doing in this heart of mine.
Difficulty: the quality of something that makes it hard to do
something that is not easy to do or to deal with ie: a difficult situation
Vulnerability: capable of being physically or emotionally wounded
open to attack or damage
I don't like any of these words!!! But, this is where I am at. I feel the first two heavily inside of me but the last is supposed to be the one I choose. Who in the world wants to be emotionally or physically wounded, attacked, or damaged BY CHOICE?!?
Oh yeah- Jesus. The one in whom my identity is to be found in. Oh, Lord, HELP ME! Help me to be who you see in me. I cannot do it on my own or in my own strength. Today was overwhelming and I feel as if I cannot go on any longer! I make progress and realize that You are working in my heart and then BAM! More pain. I don't know how to sort through all the turmoil that has built up inside of me. I know You are asking me to do hard things and working the characteristics that do not reflect You out of my life. It just hurts so much. I had no idea how much it would hurt when I agreed to allow You all of my heart. Thank You that Your word tells us in Ps 34:18 that You are near to the brokenhearted and the crushed in spirit. That is how I feel. I realize that there is so much work to do. The closer I draw to You, the more I see how grieved You are with the state of my heart. How You desire for me to live in peace and rest, with full trust in You. That You want all of me. That You love me so much more than I can ever feel or even imagine. Help me to remember that You are the one who is doing the pruning in my life. You are skilled at what You do, and You do it in love. Forgive my unbelief. Forgive my stubborn will. Give me strength to do the hard things and accept what I don't understand. Help me to look to You when my insides feel like they have no hope! Continue to be the foundation I rest on. Thank You, Lord for the hope I have in You. I don't know how to be vulnerable, but You can change my heart and make it trusting. Help me to trust You and what You are doing in this heart of mine.
Monday, July 28, 2014
Why don't you just cry about it?
It is funny how high and low your emotions are able to go! In just a matter of minutes, they can go all over the place. I feel so out of sorts with my emotions! Everything seems ok one moment then overwhelming the next. Life would be nuts if we let our actions be driven by our emotions. I feel like a child lately. As if any thing can make me spiral into the "depths of despair". What complicated creatures we are. My prayer has been that God would help me have strength and not be a willful child. Every time the depths threaten to swallow me, I just want to give up and allow it. I often find myself feeling dramatic and ridiculous when people find obvious silver linings to all the things I feel consumed by. I just want to cry! I remember one of the kids in sunday school who was having quite a morning, and she wanted to cry. No real reason, she just felt like it. When I asked her to stop, she pleaded with her cutest, saddest, voice," please Ms. Kim! Please just let me cry! I just really need to cry because my heart is sad". Yeah, it was adorable. It took everything in me to hold it together and keep from laughing. Now, I understand her sentiment completely! However, as an adult you cannot get away with this! Who am I kidding? She couldn't get away with it and she was ADORABLE! I took the opportunity to walk her through the many reasons we do not listen to what our heart tells us. I hugged her and walked her to her mom. She loved on her and we were all good. So, why is it hard to apply this to my life right now? I am sure if I looked to the right people I could find validation for my emotions. The problem with that is it is only temporary. It doesn't last because it isn't truth. It isn't how God asks us to live or exemplifies in His life on earth. We are to have a heart and mind that is saturated with scripture. That means I don't get to act like Anne Shirley. I can't feul my drama-thoughts. I must take my emotions and command them to line up with God's truth. That is the only way through anything we deal with in life. How do people function without Jesus? I am so glad I don't have to find out.
Ephesians 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
Ephesians 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Love. 4 letters, yet the emotion has incredible power. The bible tells us so many things about love. It tells us that God is love. Love is patient and kind. It doesn't behave rudely. It hopes and believes all things. It lays down it's life for others. It covers a multitude of sin. It casts out fear. It prefers others over one's self. It is the heart of Jesus. It draws us to Him and leads us to repentance. Love is also a command. As believers, we are to love one another. We are to love our neighbor as ourselves. Let it abide in us. Love our spouse as Jesus has loved us. Put it on and let it bond us. Basically, make it the emotion and a
Ction that ties our life together. This emotion is incredibly easy when we FEEL it. On your wedding day or the birth of your children. When someone gives that affection to you or you invest into someone/something. These are all times love comes easily to us. It is the hard times that prove the depths of our love. The world tells us that love is a feeling we can throw around. We can love nail polish AND people! It tells us to follow our hearts and to throw it away when it is no longer working for us. Jesus' example of love is exactly the opposite. He shows us that love is the motivator to our actions. Love is shown by our responses. It is a sacrifice. It requires a life of prayer and constant reliance on the Father. It sees the failures and continues its purpose in spite of that. How contrary to the world's view of love! It is not about "me"- it is not selfish. It is not about gratification or pleasure. It is about sacrifice. As parents, we should TOTALLY get this one! Many sacrifices are made without thought! As spouses, a bit tricky. We want to love that same way, but sometimes our selfishnes misguides us. As children, we want to experience love. We love to recieve it with no expectations or recprication needed. Love. How does it even function outside of God?
I have spent a lot of time studying love and how it looks in my life. It is sometimes so overwhelming when I see the actions God wants me to take. The great thing is, God is love. So I must rely upon Him. He is my example. If I love Him, then I will keep His commandments- because they are not burdensome. Really? Sometimes I feel like they are! Oh how the definition of man's love skews the reality of God's love. He is NOT burdensome. He is wonderful! He gives us power to love. I am burdensome! But He paid for that- in blood! His love kept Him on the cross. He desired to overcome death and defeat sin because He loves us. Me. He was fine up in heaven. He could have used the world's standard of love and threw us away- start over. But love. Love compelled Him. He was heartbroken over the thought of eternity without us. I cannot imagine the shame and burden our sin put upon Him, but He willingly walked that road. When we see Him with our last breath, we will not be consumed by our sin. We will be freed by His love. Oh Father, give us a love that lives for You and Your purpose in this world!
1 John 3:16&18:
"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers...Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."
1 John 4:7-8 :)
Ction that ties our life together. This emotion is incredibly easy when we FEEL it. On your wedding day or the birth of your children. When someone gives that affection to you or you invest into someone/something. These are all times love comes easily to us. It is the hard times that prove the depths of our love. The world tells us that love is a feeling we can throw around. We can love nail polish AND people! It tells us to follow our hearts and to throw it away when it is no longer working for us. Jesus' example of love is exactly the opposite. He shows us that love is the motivator to our actions. Love is shown by our responses. It is a sacrifice. It requires a life of prayer and constant reliance on the Father. It sees the failures and continues its purpose in spite of that. How contrary to the world's view of love! It is not about "me"- it is not selfish. It is not about gratification or pleasure. It is about sacrifice. As parents, we should TOTALLY get this one! Many sacrifices are made without thought! As spouses, a bit tricky. We want to love that same way, but sometimes our selfishnes misguides us. As children, we want to experience love. We love to recieve it with no expectations or recprication needed. Love. How does it even function outside of God?
I have spent a lot of time studying love and how it looks in my life. It is sometimes so overwhelming when I see the actions God wants me to take. The great thing is, God is love. So I must rely upon Him. He is my example. If I love Him, then I will keep His commandments- because they are not burdensome. Really? Sometimes I feel like they are! Oh how the definition of man's love skews the reality of God's love. He is NOT burdensome. He is wonderful! He gives us power to love. I am burdensome! But He paid for that- in blood! His love kept Him on the cross. He desired to overcome death and defeat sin because He loves us. Me. He was fine up in heaven. He could have used the world's standard of love and threw us away- start over. But love. Love compelled Him. He was heartbroken over the thought of eternity without us. I cannot imagine the shame and burden our sin put upon Him, but He willingly walked that road. When we see Him with our last breath, we will not be consumed by our sin. We will be freed by His love. Oh Father, give us a love that lives for You and Your purpose in this world!
1 John 3:16&18:
"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers...Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."
1 John 4:7-8 :)
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Trusting Him
We are leaving! What a strange concept! I feel torn. I know that this is a season of trusting Him and leaning on Him, but I am ready to see the whole picture. I know that I need to relax and yield, but I feel stressed and anxious. You know, like the dentist! So much uncertainty, however it is only uncertain in the earthly realm. He is quite certain of the path our life will go. What was a surprise to me is never a surprise to Him. The things I question anxiously already have answers and He knows them. So, why can't I have peace? Simple- I am too busy seeking to know. To understand. I need to rest and relax. I need to stop trying to figure it all out and let Him take over. That is so difficult! I have been making it a practice to take every thought and compare it to God's truth. It has been enlightening! Not because of the thought, but because of the tremendous amount of them! The cares, anxieties, worries, fears, hurts, all things that cloud my ability to rest in Him. I am fighting to make Ps 16:8-9 a reality in my life. I am trusting that He will never fail me, and He is weaving the threads of my life into the fabric he chooses. When I used to sew quilts, I remember sewing each part, feeling like they were all wrong, laying them all on the floor anyways, and standing on a chair for a better vanage point. I realized that close up, all I could see was the mistakes I fixated on or the small puckers. I noticed the fabric may have been discolored, or even flipped around. Things looked like a mess when I isolated them. However, when I stood up on the chair, the entire quilt changed! It morphed from the mistakes and insecurities into a complete picture. That must be what it is like for God. We see it all like those dumb 90's pictures that were made up of dots and lines and everyone "claimed" they could see the picture popping out (can you tell I was never one to see it?). God sees the entire picture! Not the 19 years I lived at home, the 16 years I have been married, the 15 years I have been a mother, the many times I failed, the segments that each piece adds to the picture of my life. He sees all of it! My life is not a page- turner for Him! He is not reading it and wondering what is going to happen next! Oh how often I feel like He is a student of my life instead of the Author! He knows my time here on earth. He has not allowed my life to walk on this path with Him for so long in vanity. He has a plan and a purpose. No matter what I believe to be true, He knows. I cannot forget that. He knows the plans He has for me. So, today I walk. One foot in front of the other. Not looking around or sitting down and refusing to walk. Not dragging or stomping my feet. Not trying to run really fast so I can get to where I am going. Just patiently. One foot at a time. Lord, help me to rest in You and follow the path You lead me down with a heart of faith!
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
Faith moving forward
I soooooooo overdid it today! I have been pretty sick the past couple months and had to go back on liquid diet. This week has been the first week I felt well in awhile. My dr wants me to go on a 80/20 liquid diet to get a better idea of what treatment option to take when she does the procedure next month. So, why not have my first meal be curry? Seems smart, right? Then, go to Eastlake in 90 degree weather and run 8 miles because it seemed smart at the time, and it seems surprisingly easy compared to running on the sand. But, now as I sit hunched over in pain I realize, it was a bit much! When will I learn? I ask everyone to please pray for this test. If the results are not good I have to get a port and deal with medicines and steroids and nutrients, which will make everything about this season of rest quite difficult. I am choosing to believe that God can make me better and I ask that you would add me to your prayer list. Thank you!
Overall, today was a productive day. We figured out schooling for the kids- which is a huge relief to me. We are still trying to find Coco's new family. I told Sammy that I guess it isn't fair that we would have the best dog in the world and keep her all to ourselves. She knows something is up. She has been an incredibly intuitive animal. I am so surprised that I can love something that is not even human ad much as I do. (Although she really is human-like) She and I have been spending a lot of time together. I will miss her terribly, but she will fall in love with her new family because the reality is- she is just a dog. Tomorrow we begin the packing process. How I hate packing! I have been blessed to have moved very little in my marriage. I am glad in one sense because I am sure we have so much that we simply do not need. On the other hand, this is going to get real very quickly! Today, I had wonderful conversation with a very sweet woman who served in Hungary for years. It was a little daunting at first because I had to wrap my mind around the concepts that seem so foreign to me. You know, like people who don't speak english- or spanish. Or living in a rural village. But, then for the first time I began to get excited. Maybe because she was so excited for me or maybe because I was getting actual information about where we were going, I don't know. All I know is that this was the first time I saw this as a good thing and not a scary thing. I have been trying so hard to focus on the blessings in obedience. I know that God will meet me in my obedence, but He wants so much more for me! For all of us! He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to be in love with Him. He wants obedience to be a response, not an obligation. I realize that there are a lot of hard things going on in my life and the life of my family but it doesn't change who God is! He is the same God who blessed and sustained me thus far and He deserves my heart. He has earned my trust. He knows the plans he has for me, for my family, for the church in IB, and for every aspect of our entire life- even Coco! Why do I worry? What good does it do? It just takes away from the trust I have in Him. So, it is time to stop sulking and being a victim and yield to this season. I am so glad that God is a patient, loving Father and that He desires to be with us!
Overall, today was a productive day. We figured out schooling for the kids- which is a huge relief to me. We are still trying to find Coco's new family. I told Sammy that I guess it isn't fair that we would have the best dog in the world and keep her all to ourselves. She knows something is up. She has been an incredibly intuitive animal. I am so surprised that I can love something that is not even human ad much as I do. (Although she really is human-like) She and I have been spending a lot of time together. I will miss her terribly, but she will fall in love with her new family because the reality is- she is just a dog. Tomorrow we begin the packing process. How I hate packing! I have been blessed to have moved very little in my marriage. I am glad in one sense because I am sure we have so much that we simply do not need. On the other hand, this is going to get real very quickly! Today, I had wonderful conversation with a very sweet woman who served in Hungary for years. It was a little daunting at first because I had to wrap my mind around the concepts that seem so foreign to me. You know, like people who don't speak english- or spanish. Or living in a rural village. But, then for the first time I began to get excited. Maybe because she was so excited for me or maybe because I was getting actual information about where we were going, I don't know. All I know is that this was the first time I saw this as a good thing and not a scary thing. I have been trying so hard to focus on the blessings in obedience. I know that God will meet me in my obedence, but He wants so much more for me! For all of us! He wants us to trust Him. He wants us to be in love with Him. He wants obedience to be a response, not an obligation. I realize that there are a lot of hard things going on in my life and the life of my family but it doesn't change who God is! He is the same God who blessed and sustained me thus far and He deserves my heart. He has earned my trust. He knows the plans he has for me, for my family, for the church in IB, and for every aspect of our entire life- even Coco! Why do I worry? What good does it do? It just takes away from the trust I have in Him. So, it is time to stop sulking and being a victim and yield to this season. I am so glad that God is a patient, loving Father and that He desires to be with us!
Monday, July 21, 2014
Monday: reality is beginning to set in. We spent most of the day running around the county building getting all of our paperwork in order. We also officially found out the dog must stay. Now, we look for her new home. That was one of the hardest conversations to have with Leah. She doesn't understand. We are still holding out for a gym but that looks impossible as well. So, basically God is asking for everything. I feel numb. I have been compliant, and I know God knows what is happening in my life and none of this is a surprise to Him. How easy it was to live for Him and trust Him when He required me to tip toe slightly from my comfort zone. How difficult this season has been when He is asking me to die to myself completely for His sake and glory. I vascillate between confusion and guilt. I am confused because I am not sure what He is doing and I feel guilty because I don't want to do what He is asking. Ultimately, when the time comes, I have to be willing to yield control to Him. Sammy was unsure if I was even going to go to do the paperwork today. Honestly, I had to pep talk myself the entire morning. This has been a huge struggle of attitude. I have had to spend a lot of time in solitude begging the Lord to be my strength and pour His grace and mercy into me so I can function in it. As the countdown begins and the closure of this season comes near, I have to trust He has got this. I know Sammy doesn't have this. I know I DEFINITELY don't have this! But God does. People want to throw going away parties, but honestly I can barely hold it together for church services. I am not good with goodbyes. I haven't had to say too many in my life. Well, thanks for all those who are praying for us. I feel the strength and know that it is because of Him that I can resolve myself to go forward. In my life, in my walk, in everything!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Sadness and reality
Today was a particularly sad day for 2 reasons. Reason #1- I had to look up potential homes and families for our beloved dog. I am so sad at the thought of her no longer being a part of our family. Reason #2- I took down all of our family pictures from Sammy's (former) office. Talk about heartbreaking! I remember putting them up and being so excited that the horrific office had been transformed into the place it is now. I am glad to enjoy these last few weeks of long beach walks and praise music, because this new chapter of our life is so scary. One thing I know- God is not surprised at where we are or where we are going. Last night was a great reminder that Joy looks out and up. Lord, help me to keep that perspective when the fear of the unknown threatens to overtake me.
Thursday, July 17, 2014
So many times we fail to see how destructive our sin really is. We try and justify it and even give ourselves props for the times we wanted to sin and didn't. The problem is that we are desensitized to it. We do not hate sin as He hates it! You see, if that were the case, then we would never allow it to rule and reign over us. But alas, it does. We forget to put on our armor in the battle. We believe we are conditioned enough to handle it on our own. We start to hang around it and act surprised when it overtakes us. We are stupid to the power of sin. Why do we act like it is no big deal and that grace is sufficient? Why do we act like spoiled children of God? Forgive out complacent hearts. Purge our selfish thoughts. Give us strength to flee from temptation and the wisdom to stay far from sin. Sober us to the weight of sin and its consequences. To ourselves, our family and friends, our loved ones. Help us to rely upon You and Your example to combat sin. Give us the courage and desire to say no in the face of temptation and to pray. Lord, give us Your heart on sin. Sin that separates. Sin that causes death and destruction. Sin that breaks Your heart. Help us to function as You would when sin is ready to overtake us. Make prayer a priority in our lives. Fill us with the power of the Holy Spirit. Focus our minds on the word You have given us. Then, give us Your heart of grace when others fail as we do. Pour Your grace into our lives so that we can love those who are caught in the snares of sin. Give us victory so we can encourage those who feel like they cannot go on. Motivate us to be the children You have called and raised us to be. Help us to reflect and resemble our Father.
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Moving On
Sometimes, you forget how much you is in you! I am a person who loves order. I love when a task is complete. I love knowing exactly what is going on and what part I play in it. I am quiet, orderly, and try my hardest to hide in the background of life. My husband is very similar to me in the fact that he loves order. The difference, however, is that he LOVES being a part of everything. He thrives on being with people. He loves parties and socializing. He loves telling stories and being funny. He attracts people wherever he goes. His personality is alluring and contagious. There is no way that I could ever do half of what he does. I couldn't fathom being the center of attention by choice. The thought actually mortifies me! So, in preparation for this new venture of our life, I have had to "fake it till I make it". I am terrified because this is so opposite of me; of my personality. I wish I were braver and more adventurous. I pray for God to make me super excited about this. But, at the core of everything I am still me. The blessing? He knows that. He knows every single thing in my heart. He knows my fears. He knows my struggles. He knows my body and He knows my mind. He knows exactly how this is affecting me, and He promises that His grace is sufficient. The past two days have been surreal. I have felt as if I am incapable of making any coherent decisions. I feel confused and dazed, but I know that God is still with me. Matter of fact, He is the one that is carrying me through these tough choices in my life. His promises are the balm that soothes my soul. His strength is the only way I am even able to move. I am blessed immeasurably by those I call family and friends. Their encouragement and understanding have been paramount during this transitional period. I know all the reasons this is "no big deal", but to me- it is a BIG DEAL! So many new things to think about. So many things we will miss out on. I know that this season is one for us to seek the Lord and see what He wants to do in us. I know that there is blessings in obedience. I know that I will be glad to have had this opportunity. I know all of those things are true. I was not excited to come to IB, but it has been one of the biggest blessings in my life! That said, leaving the country for a year is daunting! It requires a ton if preparation. I guess I need to just be me and start making those lists! :)
"Make your petition deep, O heart of mine,
Your God can do much more
Than you can ask;
Launch out on the Divine,
Draw from His love-filled store.
Trust Him with everything;
Begin today,
And find the joy that comes
When Jesus had His way!"
"Make your petition deep, O heart of mine,
Your God can do much more
Than you can ask;
Launch out on the Divine,
Draw from His love-filled store.
Trust Him with everything;
Begin today,
And find the joy that comes
When Jesus had His way!"
Monday, July 14, 2014
A New Beginning
We have been blessed to be a part of what God is doing at Calvary Imperial Beach. It is amazing to see everyone come together and serve. The friends we made and the times we had will always be a blessing to me. You all will be missed! It is surreal to think that we will be gone soon! A new chapter of our life will begin. I am sad because I loved the old one, but I know that God's way is perfect and He is with us. So, we will be moving to Hungary to rest and seek the Lord. During this time, we will be taking a year and praying through to see His direction for our family. Will you pray with us? Pray for wisdom, health, our family, our relationship with God and each other, guidance, and peace. I know that He will meet us as we seek Him. Thank you all for the times of love and grace you lavished upon our family. We will always be overwhelmed by your love and grace towards us. Continue to pursue Jesus above all else. Until we meet again!
Friday, July 11, 2014
Wake up
"For he was looking forward to the city that has foundations, whose designer and builder is God." Hebrews 11:10
This verse here is talking about Abraham. Abraham, by faith, followed the voice of God. He went to foreign lands and made difficult decisions. He messed up, made poor choices, let his wife take the lead, paid for it DEARLY😉, lost a son, gained a nation, but the entire time his heart was set upon listening to God's voice. This verse in Hebrews sums it up beautifully! What a great encouragement. As leaders and ministers of God's word, this is a comfort and wake up call. It is a comfort because we know that everything we do means little in light of the hope and promise of heaven. The effort and work we put into raising His people is not for earthly rewards. We are promised so much more! That joy propels us to pour into the people He has entrusted to us GLADLY! It is comforting to know that we don't have to save them or keep them in His grace, we simply need to fix our eyes on heaven and allow His grace to work through us. The wake up call? We need to fix our eyes on Heaven and allow His grace to work through us! We need to remember that this kingdom- this church- is His. Everything we do is for Him. We need to be looking forward to heaven! We need to remember that church size, fruit, or any other manifestation of spiritual growth is not for us to further our kingdom on earth, but to impart the promise and hope of an eternal life with Jesus. What a terribly scary and beautiful thing this is! We know Abraham- we think of his failures, we think of his strengths. However, God saw in Abraham HIS purpose! Does God see His purpose in me? Am I doing His will? Are the sacrifices I am bringing to Him pure or tainted? Lord, purge our hearts as leaders and refine us according to Your loving kindness and mercy. Teach us to look to Heaven, our hope and exceedingly great reward. Fill us with You, so we can lead others in the way of righteousness. May our hope be in heaven, where we will spend eternity with the Maker of our soul. Give us a love for the things You love. Make our heart Your home
Wednesday, July 9, 2014
Fear and Faith
Fear and Faith
"Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe in something we cannot see."
Fear. An old friend of mine. It has kept me from attempting so many things. It has robbed me of peace and joy. It has taken residence in my heart and identified itself with my being. Fear is an emotion we all have. Often we use it to hold us captive. It is all-encompassing. It is irrational. It is often a liar. It feeds on small amounts of truth mixed with large amounts of unknown. This emotion- fear- demands we surrender to it. It isn't polite. It doesn't prefer us. It doesn't even encourge us. Yet, it dwells in me. It asks me to believe it. Why do I succomb to it so often? Easy- I let it talk. I try to ignore it, but it speaks non-stop. Until I start to listen. Then it has me.
Faith is a reliance on something we cannot see. It is a hope in the unseen. It is a choice. It is also something in all of us. We have faith every day. We have faith in objects, people, places, and circumstances. Blind faith. How many of us can see our heart every morning when we wake up? Yet we trust that it will continue to pump blood to all the vital parts of our bodies. Or air? Have you ever thought about it not being available to you when you wake up? No- we trust in unseen things based on principles of truth. So, why does fear (which takes from me) govern my life and faith (that I often do without even thinking) take a back seat in it? I have been pondering that for some time now.
I have been praying for God to help me in this area. Sunday's sermon was an encouraging reminder to take our fear and turn it into faith. It was a call to fix our eyes on Jesus to make that happen. So, the answer is that easy? Yes... And no. The answer is easy, the solution? That requires us to have an intentional faith. Not a "wake up without thinking of all the things you trust" faith, but a faith which requires you to command your thoughts and emotions. A faith that takes the unseen fear and pushes it aside to fixate on the Lord and His promises. Faith and fear are actions. They are choices. But only one of them will change me for the better. Only one will break the chains of bondage and rip the cords that fear has entangled around me. Only one comes with the promise of eternal life, and hope for the life we are in... And it isn't fear!
Ps. 27:1
"Fear and faith have something in common. They both ask us to believe in something we cannot see."
Fear. An old friend of mine. It has kept me from attempting so many things. It has robbed me of peace and joy. It has taken residence in my heart and identified itself with my being. Fear is an emotion we all have. Often we use it to hold us captive. It is all-encompassing. It is irrational. It is often a liar. It feeds on small amounts of truth mixed with large amounts of unknown. This emotion- fear- demands we surrender to it. It isn't polite. It doesn't prefer us. It doesn't even encourge us. Yet, it dwells in me. It asks me to believe it. Why do I succomb to it so often? Easy- I let it talk. I try to ignore it, but it speaks non-stop. Until I start to listen. Then it has me.
Faith is a reliance on something we cannot see. It is a hope in the unseen. It is a choice. It is also something in all of us. We have faith every day. We have faith in objects, people, places, and circumstances. Blind faith. How many of us can see our heart every morning when we wake up? Yet we trust that it will continue to pump blood to all the vital parts of our bodies. Or air? Have you ever thought about it not being available to you when you wake up? No- we trust in unseen things based on principles of truth. So, why does fear (which takes from me) govern my life and faith (that I often do without even thinking) take a back seat in it? I have been pondering that for some time now.
I have been praying for God to help me in this area. Sunday's sermon was an encouraging reminder to take our fear and turn it into faith. It was a call to fix our eyes on Jesus to make that happen. So, the answer is that easy? Yes... And no. The answer is easy, the solution? That requires us to have an intentional faith. Not a "wake up without thinking of all the things you trust" faith, but a faith which requires you to command your thoughts and emotions. A faith that takes the unseen fear and pushes it aside to fixate on the Lord and His promises. Faith and fear are actions. They are choices. But only one of them will change me for the better. Only one will break the chains of bondage and rip the cords that fear has entangled around me. Only one comes with the promise of eternal life, and hope for the life we are in... And it isn't fear!
Ps. 27:1
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