

Monday, July 28, 2014

Why don't you just cry about it?

It is funny how high and low your emotions are able to go! In just a matter of minutes, they can go all over the place. I feel so out of sorts with my emotions! Everything seems ok one moment then overwhelming the next. Life would be nuts if we let our actions be driven by our emotions. I feel like a child lately. As if any thing can make me spiral into the "depths of despair". What complicated creatures we are. My prayer has been that God would help me have strength and not be a willful child. Every time the depths threaten to swallow me, I just want to give up and allow it. I often find myself feeling dramatic and ridiculous when people find obvious silver linings to all the things I feel consumed by. I just want to cry! I remember one of the kids in sunday school who was having quite a morning, and she wanted to cry. No real reason, she just felt like it. When I asked her to stop, she pleaded with her cutest, saddest, voice," please Ms. Kim! Please just let me cry! I just really need to cry because my heart is sad". Yeah, it was adorable. It took everything in me to hold it together and keep from laughing. Now, I understand her sentiment completely! However, as an adult you cannot get away with this! Who am I kidding? She couldn't get away with it and she was ADORABLE! I took the opportunity to walk her through the many reasons we do not listen to what our heart tells us. I hugged her and walked her to her mom. She loved on her and we were all good. So, why is it hard to apply this to my life right now? I am sure if I looked to the right people I could find validation for my emotions. The problem with that is it is only temporary. It doesn't last because it isn't truth. It isn't how God asks us to live or exemplifies in His life on earth. We are to have a heart and mind that is saturated with scripture. That means I don't get to act like Anne Shirley. I can't feul my drama-thoughts. I must take my emotions and command them to line up with God's truth. That is the only way through anything we deal with in life. How do people function without Jesus? I am so glad I don't have to find out.

Ephesians 1:3 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ."

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