There are so many ways I was unprepared for this trip. I realize that you cannot prepare for something you have no ability to conceptualize. Yet, one week in and we realize this is exactly where God has us. It has been a rough adjustment as far as time goes, but the place itself is amazing. The people are quite oppressed- they have technically been freed from communism yet live in bondage as if freedom is exactly that. How terribly awful! They are not customarily "friendly" as in the American sense. They are kind and helpful. If you make an effort to reach beyond the language barrier, they are very sweet. We have been helped by numerous people when in town. We have been studying the language since we got here. We have a few pleasantries and phrases down, and that speaks volumes to these people. I guess it really does anywhere, right? Ultimately, we all just want to feel as if someone is making an effort. Sammy is not afraid to speak- even if it is wayyyy off! People are willing to help him understand. We spent 30 minutes waiting in the train station the other day- in which he was able to figure out how to communicate with the ticket saleswoman. We now understand so much more and can confidently take/pay for/ arrive at the train. Apps are a wonderful thing!
Today, Sammy takes his driving test. It is funny how fast people drive here! And by funny I mean terrifying! Picture large, speeding semi-trucks going 85 mph on the same two lane road as horse-drawn carriages! I almost had a heart attack when one whipped around the carriage to pass it up!
Needless to say, I will NOT be driving!!!
This weekend we will be getting into Budapest for the first time. I am so excited to go to IkEA! It shouldn't be too different, since I rarely understand what the items say back home!
This place is so serene. Our place is in the middle of a field, just outside of the main facility. The bleating of sheep and the chirping of birds are all that you hear. There is a quiet path that leads to the train station just behind us. From that road, you can see the vast plains and distant city structures. I cannot wait to get out there and take pictures! Once the rain lets up, I promise that will happen! The village is adorable. Cobblestones make up what I believe to be the sidewalk. Sheepdogs are in every yard. Makes me miss Coco!
This new chapter has made me realize how much I love my kids! They have been amazing through all of this! We heard horror stories about teenagers and how much they rebelled. Christian is adjusting incredibly well! I shouldn't be surprised! Everything about this is right up his alley! He has made several foreign friends and spent long conversations showing people where he came from via google earth. He has broken through the language barrier with his charm alone, and has succeeded at anything he has put his mind to do (so far). He has even been putting tremendous effort into his school. Leah had been very tired. She is still struggling to wake up and adjust. She walks around in a sleep fog most of the morning. She also struggles to fall to sleep at night. Sammy took her to work out in the gym and that was probably the most alert we have seen her. We have to find some outlet for her to use her energy. Sammy has spent this week hunting down mats. Processes here take awhile. Mainly because you have To decode. First, you have to decide what it is you want to obtain. Then, you have to figure out the Hungarian equivalence. This part is quite difficult as they have tunnel vision. They are not knowledgable about anything outside their domain. That is completely understandable! It just makes things interesting. We finally found a website that had a mat that was somewhat like what he wanted at a store in a nearby town. Then, he was able to take that to a Hungarian who was able to conceptualize "foam" or "mat". It is like math! Haha!
Well, the thunder has started again! That means another outpouring! Please continue to pray for our health specifically. We have been doing well, but yesterday I had a migraine for the first time in forever (cue music). My vision went first, then the headache. I am not really sure why- but I do not want to go through that season again! Also pray for us to have the ability to be a blessing here in this place. I am praying for you all and I know that God is able to fulfill all of your needs as you rest in Him! God bless!
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