

Monday, September 1, 2014

Picture frame quotes

She did this all on her own!
Smile often
Be happy
Laugh out loud
Say I love you
Tell the truth
Have patience
Enjoy today

Oh the wisdom of picture frames! 
As we count down the final days, we get to breathe! I am so blessed by everyone who came and helped us move. It is apparent that so many of you love us! We love you, too! Today was "grandma goodbye" day. The kids said there final farewells. We even had Walmart adventures and In N Out to memorialize it! I only tried to "drive home" once. Good times! I cannot wait to get to Hungary! I miss people! I also miss congregational worship! We have been out preparing for our departure for so long that I ache for fellowship. Things have been tough these last weeks because everyone wants to say goodbye, but when you say goodbye it is sad. And hard. And somewhat awkward. But mostly just sad. I sit here looking at the 11 bags that will constitute our lives and I have no idea how to even conceptualize what is going to happen in this next year. I do know this- Jesus is there. He will see us safely, no matter where we go! I have been comforted by this fact. Jesus has gone before us. I am in Ruth and I find it ironic [not really]. I have always been impacted by this moabite woman. She was honorable when honor did not require her to be so. She followed her sad, bitter, hurting mother-in-law out of love. One of the most poignant passages of the book is when she vows to follow Naomi- no matter what the cost. The end shows us the gift of redemption. I love the book! I remember writing a letter to Sammy when we were engaged and enclosing that same passage. But did I really mean it? Lol! Of course I did, except it is easier to write when everything behind you seems dim compared to the future. Cue picture frame motto! In slowing down, I have been challenged to enjoy every moment for what it is. No looking ahead or behind. Just enjoying today! Praise God for the gift we have been given. This is just the beginning! 

Daddy-daughter date
LOVE THEM!!!!❤️❤️

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