

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Hungary has been quite an adventure! We arrived and have been rushing through a whirlwind ever since! The jet lag was pretty serious the first day, but we are all somewhat acclimated by now. The flight over was incredibly smooth and uneventful. We arrived and made it to our place by 2:30 am friday morning. 
Being at the bible college reminds me of when we attended in Murrieta. There are students that resemble friends that attended. Food is quite hor... unique. Chapel was filled with green chairs and even had the W's on- blaring "You are the devil and you are bad" for all to here. Ahhh, how some things never change!
We have ventured out more the past four days than many do their entire semester! We walked to the nearest city- Cece- which is about 5 miles away. We walked through sunflower fields and almost died on their roads. It was really quite scary! The speed limit is 80mph! 
Today we took the train into Sarbogard. It was quite easy! We only had to run to catch the train because we left too late! Praise God for hungarian apps! They have been a lifesaver! 
Our Tesco adventure was very productive- I finally found usable baking powder! Now to find potato starch so I can bake! 
Things are going well with everyone. We are adjusting to this new life. Christian was adorable when he had the epiphany that being in a foreign country feels the same as America, only different!
Today, I attempted to make crafts for our house. The problem- there is nothing to craft with! I found sketch paper, watercolors, and glue. Let's see what can happen! I cannot wait to go into Budapest and hit up ikea!

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