Another reason to rejoice is this: I woke up, got up, and even ran before 9! If you ever travelled, you can probably relate to my excitement!
Today, during our morning jog we ran into a shepherd and his flock. I really wish I had my phone to take a picture of the cute little guys! They all froze as if that would keep them safe. It was too funny! Then, a brave one began to bleat, which gave them all the confidence to stare and bleat at us!
Yesterday, the children realized that Hungary has a lot of pastries. Leah said they specialize in the 4 p's- paprika, pastries, pork, and potatoes. She is right! If I never see pork again! That and cigarettes! Yuck!
We have seen more rain this past week than in the past two years in California! People say winter is coming in 2 months. I am terrified! When Hungarians talk about winter to us, they say it isn't too bad. When Americans ask where we are from, they immediately follow it with,"wait until winter! You are going to die" (why are Americans so mean!?!) If we die- I love you all!!! :)
On Friday night we hung out in the coffee shop and played the most hilarious game. It was mainly comical because two of the Slovenian guys were constantly at each other with "house rule" differences. They both had different rules for this chaotic game. It wasn't until after that I found out they were brothers and grew up in the same "household".
I finally feel like everything here is settling! We were able to clean,wash, and scrub, as well as get everything put together. I still haven't sat much, but that will come (apparently in 2 months). Well, I miss everyone and America- but mainly the beautiful, solitude stretch of beach that I walked with Coco. I look forward to the day I get to put my feet in the sand and run with my puppy again! Until then, I will run through puddles, fields, and river banks. The Lord is faithful!
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