

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sick :(

Can you find the drama frog I almost stepped on during a jog?

Today we had plans to go out and explore. Yesterday I felt sick. Today, I feel like death. Guess exploring will have to wait. Lord willing this will pass soon. I haven't had a stomach flu this bad I  awhile. At least not without Gatorade.
This week the weather dropped 20 degrees in a matter of days. The other night brought a storm so loud I felt like we were in a tent! The rain that followed the rest of the week has been beautiful. The cold is nice now that we can work the heater! Sweaters and scarfs. Gloves and beanies. Ahh fall, you are glorious! I am so sad that I have to spend today in bed instead of enjoying the train and exploring new cities. Oh well! Here's to watching Pride and Prejudice for the 5th time and drinking detox tea in hopes of a better tomorrow! Happy weekend!

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