

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Silver Linings

Silver Linings
In the midst of trials, I have been trying to find  silver linings. That is not always easy! I am fighting to face today and look for the blessing in it. Not tomorrow's blessing, or next year's blessing. Today. The silver lining today is that I don't have to go back. I am here, now. I am not there, yesterday. I have made it one more step. I am surrounded by beauty. I am loved and cherished by my God. If I choose to go back inside the depths of pain I have been delivered from, than that is on me. My sadness is my choice. My pain is my perspective. I am the one robbed of today and ultimately- Satan wins! So, while my heart tries to coddle my "right to hold on", my mind reminds me of truth. Grace won out. I am saved. I am His. Nothing in this world can compare to that truth. Even when it tries. Lord, help me to hold on to You and look for the silver linings. Even on days like today! 

Street vendors: my favorite 

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