

Monday, August 11, 2014

Dr's week

This week is Dr's week for us. I am currently sitting in a cold room waiting to hear my fate. I am praying that everything goes well and I do not have to have surgery. Tomorrow, I travel down the road from here to see if Christian's heart is ok. Once cleared, we will talk corrective surgery. Man, what a tough summer this has been! I am excited to get through this week and move to next week! Lord willing it will be Dr free!

As time winds down for us, I am getting more excited! Partly because my family has never done anything like this. Partly because I am ready to start moving forward! Christian starts school the 25th- which will be quite interesting since we are packing and cleaning that week. Poor kid! He is a trooper! He may be doing school at Starbucks😊
Leah is doing her social rounds. She is so adorable! I can't keep up with her.
I am so amazed at all God is doing and I am grateful for all prayers on our behalf! God bless you!

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