

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Give us this day

Life is a gift from God. We are not assured of tomorrow, but we are here today. I have been so fixated on the future that I lose sight of that fact. We are so busy everyday. They have just been slipping by! I have been running around like a crazy lady! Wednesday, I had to take Christian to Urgent Care for some issues he has been having lately. He's had them for awhile, but they are getting worse. This visit prompted a bunch of other visits to check his heart and rule it out. Then, he will have to have corrective surgery on his sternum. Thankfully, he should be able to wait until we get back. It seems like there are so many obstacles to leap before we leave! Thursday was victorious in that we sold a bunch of large items and cleaned/got rid of all the sunroom things. Then, the dog was sprayed by a skunk again! It seems like everything has been one step forward, a hundred steps back!
It was kind of sad to get rid of all of my hobbies, but I know that God will provide things if I need them. I enjoy doing so many things, and this next season doesn't really lean towards crafting and decorating. I can't wait to box everything up! It is so chaotic in our place! It seems like everywhere you turn there are boxes! But that is a good thing, since we have to have everything packed sooner rather than later.
   Yesterdsy we took some time out to sneak away and visit a place I haven't been to for awhile! 2Good2B. Then we hung out with some of our favorite people. Evan has grown up SO MUCH in the past 2 months! He is such a little person. It made me realize how much I miss everyone and everything! I can't wait until daily life no longer requires me to pass by and ignore my life past. It is so hard to stop investing in something you gave everything for. God is good, and strong. His strength in me is the only way I can walk by and keep walking. I miss it all so much! I believe that God will work so much in the lives of the people at CCIB. I look forward to hearing about what God is doing in the church when we get back to San Diego!
I started reading the book "Amazing Grace" this week. It is quotes and bible verses. This quote really ministered to me:
"God guides us, despite our uncertainties and our vagueness, even through our failings and mistakes... He leads us step by step, from event to event. Only afterwards, as we look back over the way we have come and reconsider certain important moments in our lives in the light of all that has followed them, or we survey the whole progress of our lives, do we experience the feeling of having been led without knowing it, the feeling that God has mysteriously guide us." Paul Tournier  I am so thankful that God guides us through all things and that He will bring clarity in our lives! ALWAYS! I know it may not seem like it now, but I know from experience that God's hand is evident as you look back on the path you've come.

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